So I thought this was so fun but if you have already done it and don't want to do it again no worries:) Post on your blog your answer so we can all get to know you better!
Please erase my answer and send me back your own answers. It was really fun
1.Favorite Food: have to be steak mmmm.... with potatoes, and salad.
2.Favorite junk food: anything with chocolate and peanut butter or chocolate covered cinnamon bears.
3.Favorite vacation: So many places that I love. It would have to be somewhere warm but right now I would say Disneyland:) can't beat the happiest place on earth!
4.Favorite Free time activity: Doing hair I know it sound lame but I can have the worst day and after I am done doing someone hair it seems like the best day ever.
5.Favorite Holiday: Halloween I just love fall and having any reason to dress up my kids is just fun!
6.Favorite Hobby: This one is hard because the only other "hobby besides hair" I enjoy is blogging haha but I don't know if cutting hair is a hobby. So blogging I guess.
7.The story of how you met your husband: I met Cam in St. George. My friends and I went down there for spring break, and his friend went to lake mead and stayed in St. George on there way home. His friend and I knew each other a little bit and his friend knew I was down there and called me so we met him and his friends a.k.a Cam and we had a blast talking that night:)
8.Favorite activity to do with each of your individual children:
Kyler, I love to talk to him he makes me laugh with almost everything he says I can't believe the things he thinks of.
Makinley, I love to turn on music and dance with her she love a good beat anytime any where.(even church)
9.Worst Food: well so everything I think of, I don't like because of the texture so I guess I would say I don't like anything that is: not chewy, not crunchy, and is somewhere in between:) Haha silly answer.
10.Worst Junk Food: Cheesecake I HATE the texture it is nasty!
11.Allergies: HA HA the only thing I have found I am allergic to is hair bleach:) Yeah it sucks to love something that make you itchy and sneeze.
12.Favorite Part of today: Sorry to say it was Janna face planting it on the sidewalk. HAHA Sorry Janna but it made my day!
Thanks Katie for sending me this I really had fun answering the questions