Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Second Day of School

Kyler started school on Sept.1, he loved it so much! He was so big and to my surprise so was I. I had a little freak out the night before. I cried like a baby, but when the big day came I was just happy for him:) The next day was another story! Because we live so far away from the elementary they have a bus that takes the kids to school. I knew it wouldn't be long before Kai wanted to ride it since the first day he asked if he could. After the first day Kai said he was going to ride the bus the next day with all his friends, but that night when we were getting ready for bed he asked if I would take him. I was so glad and said I would take him as long as he wanted me to. When Cam got home he was talking to Kai about the bus and Kai told Cam that I was taking him. Cam who thought he was helping his son grow up told Kai that HE was riding the bus to school. Kyler who wants to be just like dad said he wanted to ride the bus too:( The next morning Kai checked with Dad that he was still riding the bus to school, so then Kai was too. I walked Kai to the bus stop gave him a hug.(we can't give mom a kiss in front of people) Walked inside called my sister Chelsea and cried for like 15min:) Kyler loves the bus and I am so happy that he never saw my break down:)


AshleeMattMaxJack said...

OH! The bus would be hard! That is such a cute story! We have so much in common Shai- we really need to hang out more!

Jana and Brett said...

what a stinkin cute kid! And! What the heck? They get lockers? I didn't get those until middle school!!!

Morgan@LittleHouseofVeggies said...

Its so crazy how our little kiddies are already in kindergarten! I remember when they were just newborn babies, and Kai was decked out in his cute little Polo gear! Crazy how much time flies.
Love ya and miss ya girlie!

Mellisa said...

Kaysia has insisted riding the bus from day one!!! I never got to take her to school. That made me sad but I was so happy to see how excited she got when she saw the bus pull up! That is her greatest kindergarten adventure!

Steve and Katie said...

Oh! You are so cute! They get big way too fast! You are doing awesome - kindergarten, buses, breakfast at school....way to be a tough mom! And Anya loves being the 'big sister' and showing him the ropes! Love you friend! (and thanks again for watching the kids last night - you're an angel!)

Ben and Jessie Munro said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!