Sunday, September 20, 2009

Like Father Like Son

Just Camerons shoes!
Now that Kyler has started school we have some funny conversations, the other day we were in the car and Kai ask mom what does hola mean. I say it means hello in Spanish like "hola senorita". Kai asks what does that mean? "It means hello cute girl." Kai says "but I'm not a girl!" "No Kai your a cool boy." Kyler then informs me he is only kind of a cool boy because he only has two cool shoes. I ask him how many shoes he needs? He tells me,"At least 3 white pair, 5 black pair, 1-2 more black and white pair, and maybe one brown pair of shoes." As he says all of this I start laughing and realize that he has described his dad's shoe closet and I began to see that there are things that are born with in our children without us ever pushing them on them:) Ha Ha I had no idea he was paying that close atintion!


Ann said...

HA! I love that Cameron has about as many (maybe more)shoes than me! Such a girl :)

Steve and Katie said...

Isn't that realization the funniest thing! I laughed so hard once I realized why B would only wear polos and nice striped shirts...wants to be like dad! So sad I bought all that other stuff! Maybe Kimball won't care so much!